
1. Usage

The EcosystemRelease/Revision template returns the status for an ecosystem release revision in the flow associated with this wiki (e.g. v1.y.z ,or v2.y.z, or...), or the revision (x.y.z) of the latest ecosystem release.

Usage: {{EcosystemRelease/Revision | revision=<revision>}}


  • <revision> is the mandatory revision of the ecosystem release for which a status is requested. The possible values are:
    • latest to get the revision (x.y.z) of the latest major ecosystem release.
    • 4.0.0 (June 2022 major ecosystem release revision).
    • 4.0.2 (July 2022 minor ecosystem release revision).
    • x.0.0, x.1.0, x.2.0 and 0.y.0 values are reserved to the examples and the helper files.
    • 2.0.0 (June 2020 ecosystem release revision) : possible but not recommended
    • 2.1.0 (November 2020 ecosystem release revision) : possible but not recommended
    • 3.0.0 (March 2021 ecosystem release revision): possible but not recommended
    • 3.1.0 (November 2021 ecosystem release revision): possible but not recommended

The returned value is:

  • x.y.z (revision of the latest ecosystem release), if <revision> is set to latest.
  • latest, if <revision> is the latest one, in the flow associated with this wiki.
  • legacy, if <revision> is a legacy one, in the flow associated with this wiki.
  • next, if <revision> is a planned one, in the flow associated with this wiki.
  • former, if <revision> is part of a former flow that is not the one associated with this wiki.
  • unknown, if <revision> is not supported.


  • During 3.1.0 preparation : next is 3.1.0, legacy is 3.0.0, latest is 3.0.0, former 1.x.y, 2.x.y.
  • During 3.0.0 preparation : next : none, legacy :none, latest :3.0.0, former 1.x.y, 2.x.y.

2. Basic examples

You type You get
vx.0.0 revision (legacy)
{{EcosystemRelease/Revision | revision=x.0.0}}


Revision (x.y.z) of the latest ecosystem release
{{EcosystemRelease/Revision | revision=latest}}


Revision (x.y.z) of the 4.0.0 ecosystem release (latest)
{{EcosystemRelease/Revision | revision=4.0.0}}


3. More examples

You type You get
vx.2.0 revision (next)
{{EcosystemRelease/Revision | revision=x.2.0}}


vx.1.0 revision (latest)
{{EcosystemRelease/Revision | revision=x.1.0}}


v0.y.0 revision (former)
{{EcosystemRelease/Revision | revision=0.y.0}}


Unknown revision
{{EcosystemRelease/Revision | revision=10.20.30}}


Unspecified revision


4. Code


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