X-LINUX-AI OpenSTLinux Expansion Package - v3.0.0

Revision as of 11:53, 17 June 2020 by Registered User
AI Expansion Package inserted in the STM32MPU Embedded software distribution

X-LINUX-AI is an STM32 MPU OpenSTLinux Expansion Package that targets artificial intelligence for STM32MP1 Series devices.

It contains Linux AI frameworks, as well as application examples to get started with some basic use cases such as computer vision (CV).

It is composed of an OpenEmbedded meta layer, named meta-st-stm32mpu-ai, to be added on top of the STM32MP1 Distribution Package.

It brings a complete and coherent easy-to-build / install environment to take advantage of AI on the STM32MP1 Series.

1. Version v2.0.0[edit source]

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This version has been validated against the OpenSTLinux ecosystem release v2.0.0 and validated on STM32MP157x-DKx and STM32MP157x-EV1 boards.

1.1. Contents[edit source]

1.2. Validated hardware[edit source]

As any software expansion package, the X-LINUX-AI is supported on all STM32MP1 Series but it has been validated on the following boards:

  • STM32MP157C-DK2[7]
  • STM32MP157C-EV1[8]
  • STM32MP157A-EV1[9]

1.3. Software structure[edit source]

X-LINUX-AI-CV v2.0.0 Expansion Package Software structure

1.4. Install from the OpenSTLinux AI package repository[edit source]

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STMicroelectronics packages repository service is provided for evaluation purpose only, its content could be updated at anytime without notice and therefore not approved for use in production.

All the generated X-LINUX-AI packages are available from the OpenSTLinux AI package repository service hosted at the non-browsable URL http://packages.openstlinux.st.com/AI.

This repository contains AI packages that could be simply installed using apt-* utilities, which are the same utilities used on a Debian system:

  • the main group contains the selection of AI packages whose installation is automatically tested by STMicroelectronics
  • the updates group is reserved for future use like package revision update.

You can install them individually or by group of packages.

1.4.1. Prerequisites[edit source]

  1. Flash the Starter Package on your SDCard
  2. Your board has an internet connection either through the network cable or through a WiFi connection.
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If your internet access depends on a proxy server, you should define the http_proxy environment variable with the following command before any apt-* commands:

 export http_proxy='http://<proxy url>:<proxy port>/'

1.4.2. Configure the AI OpenSTLinux package repository[edit source]

Once the board is booted, execute the following command in the console in order to configure the AI OpenSTLinux package repository:

 echo "deb http://extra.packages.openstlinux.st.com/AI/2.0 dunfell main updates" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/extra.packages.openstlinux.st.list
 echo "DPkg::Pre-Invoke {\"echo 'https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/X-LINUX-AI_licenses' ; echo ; \";};" >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10-st-disclaimer-extra-AI
 echo "APT::Update::Pre-Invoke {\"echo 'https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/X-LINUX-AI_licenses' ; echo ;\";};" >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10-st-disclaimer-extra-AI

Then synchronize the AI OpenSTLinux package repository.

 apt-get update

1.4.3. Install AI packages[edit source]

Warning white.png Warning
The software package is provided AS IS, and by downloading it, you agree to be bound to the terms of the software license agreement (SLA). The detailed content licenses can be found here. Install all X-LINUX-AI packages[edit source]

Package name Command Description
apt-get install packagegroup-x-linux-ai
Install all the X-LINUX-AI packages (TensorFlow Lite, Edge TPU, armNN, application samples and tools) Install AI framework related packages[edit source]

Package name Command Description
apt-get install packagegroup-x-linux-ai-tflite
Install X-LINUX-AI packages related to TensorFlow Lite framework (including application samples)
apt-get install packagegroup-x-linux-ai-tflite-edgetpu
Install X-LINUX-AI packages related to the Edge TPU framework (including application samples)
apt-get install packagegroup-x-linux-ai-armnn-tflite
Install X-LINUX-AI packages related to the armNN framework (including application samples) Install individual packages[edit source]

Package name Command Description
apt-get install arm-compute-library
Arm Compute Library (ACL)
apt-get install arm-compute-library-tools
Arm Compute Library utilities (graph examples and benchmarks)
apt-get install armnn
arm Neural Network SDK (armNN)
apt-get install armnn-tensorflow-lite
armNN TensorFlow Lite parser
apt-get install armnn-tensorflow-lite-examples
armNN TensorFlow Lite examples
apt-get install armnn-tfl-benchmark
armNN benchmark application for TensorFlow Lite models
apt-get install armnn-tfl-cv-apps-image-classification-c++
armNN TensorFlow Lite C++ image classification example
apt-get install armnn-tfl-cv-apps-object-detection-c++
armNN TensorFlow Lite C++ object detection example
apt-get install armnn-tools
armNN utilitites such as unitary tests
apt-get install libflatbuffers1
Memory Efficient Serialization Library
apt-get install python3-pillow
Python Imaging Library
apt-get install python3-tensorflow-lite
Python TensorFlow Lite inference engine
apt-get install tensorflow-lite-tools
Tensorflow Lite utilities
apt-get install tflite-cv-apps-image-classification-c++
TensorFlow Lite C++ image classification example
apt-get install tflite-cv-apps-image-classification-python
TensorFlow Lite Python image classification example
apt-get install tflite-cv-apps-object-detection-c++
TensorFlow Lite C++ object detection example
apt-get install tflite-cv-apps-object-detection-python
TensorFlow Lite Python object detection example
apt-get install tflite-models-coco-ssd-mobilenetv1
TensorFlow Lite COCO SSD Mobilenetv1 model
apt-get install tflite-models-mobilenetv1
TensorFlow Lite Mobilenetv1 model
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If you need more information about how to use apt-* utilities check the Package repository for OpenSTLinux distribution article.

1.5. Re-generate X-LINUX-AI OpenSTLinux distribution[edit source]

With the following procedure, you can re-generate the complete distribution enabling the X-LINUX-AI expansion package.
This procedure is mandatory if you want to update by yourself some frameworks or if you want to modify the application samples.
To know more, please expand the contents...

1.5.1. Download the STM32MP1 Distribution Package v2.0.0[edit source]

Install the STM32MP1 Distribution Package v1.2.0, but do not initialize the OpenEmbedded environment (do not source the envsetup.sh). Clone following git repositories into <Distribution Package installation directory>/layers/meta-st[edit source]

The software package is provided AS IS, and by downloading it, you agree to be bound to the terms of the software license agreement (SLA). The detailed content licenses can be found here.

 cd <Distribution Package installation directory>/layers/meta-st
 git clone https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/meta-st-stm32mpu-ai.git -b v2.0.0_dunfell

1.5.2. Set up the build environment[edit source]

 cd ../..
 DISTRO=openstlinux-weston MACHINE=stm32mp1 source layers/meta-st/scripts/envsetup.sh

1.5.3. Add the new layers to the build system[edit source]

 bitbake-layers add-layer ../layers/meta-st/meta-st-stm32mpu-ai

1.5.4. Build the image[edit source]

 bitbake st-image-ai
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Note that building the image could take long time depending on the host computer performance.

1.5.5. Flash the built image[edit source]

Follow this link to know how to flash the built image.

2. How to use the X-LINUX-AI Expansion Package[edit source]

2.1. Material needed[edit source]

To use the X-LINUX-AI-CV OpenSTLinux Expansion Package, choose one of the following materials:

  • STM32MP157C-DK2[7] + an UVC USB WebCam
  • STM32MP157C-EV1[8] with the built in camera
  • STM32MP157A-EV1[9] with the built in camera


  • Google Edge TPU[2] accelerator

2.2. Boot the OpenSTlinux Starter Package[edit source]

At the end of the boot sequence, the demo launcher application appears on the screen.

Here is the demo launcher appearance when X-LINUX-AI is not installed

Demo launcher appearance when X-LINUX-AI is not installed

2.3. Install the X-LINUX-AI[edit source]

2.4. Launch an AI application sample[edit source]

Once the demo launcher is restarted, the demo launcher is slightly different because new AI application samples have been installed.
The demo laucher apperance is as follow and you can navigate into the different screen by using the NEXT or BACK button.

Demo launcher appearance when X-LINUX-AI is installed

Screen 2, 3 and 4 contain AI application samples.

Each applications are described within a dedicated article that explain: the purpose, how to use, how to install and how to rebuild.

Application samples are available in the X-LINUX-AI application samples zoo page.

2.5. Enjoy running your own NN models[edit source]

The above examples provide application samples to demonstrate how to execute NN Tensforflow Lite models easily on the STM32MP1.

You are free to update the C/C++ application or Python scripts for your own purposes, using your own NN Tensorflow Lite models.

Source code location are provided in application sample pages.

3. References[edit source]