
Revision as of 14:43, 19 September 2019 by Registered User

1. Usage[edit source]

The EcosystemRelease template is used to indicate for which ecosystem release revision(s), an article part (chapter, paragraph, table...) is valid. Per default (i.e. if this template is not used), any part of an article is valid for all ecosystem release revisions for which the entire article is valid.

It outputs a "standardized" string that might be used to name an article part.

Usage: {{EcosystemRelease | revision=<revision> | range =<range> | revision2=<revision2>}}


  • <revision> is the mandatory ecosystem release revision for which the article part is valid.
    • The possible values for this parameter are available in the EcosystemRelease/Revision template.
    • The optional <range> and <revision2> parameters allow to define a range of revisions.
  • <range> is the optional range of the ecosystem release revisions for which the article part is valid. The possible values are:
    • and before: the article part is valid only for the revision(s) less than or equal to <revision>
    • and after: the article part is valid only for the revision(s) greater than or equal to <revision>
    • to: the article part is only valid from <revision> to <revision2>
  • <revision2> is the mandatory ecosystem release upper revision for which the article part is valid, when <range> is set to "to"; in this case, <revision> becomes the lower revision for which the article part is valid.
    • This parameter is ignored if <range> is either not set, or set to another value than "to".

If the mouse is left over a revision (or the More info.png icon), a popup window shows, for that revision:

  • the versions of the Linux kernel, U-Boot, TF-A and OP-TEE
  • the version of the STM32Cube MPU Package
  • the version of OpenEmbedded
  • the version of Android

This information comes from the EcosystemRelease/Components template.

2. Basic examples[edit source]

You type You get
A specific revision
{{EcosystemRelease | revision=1.0.0}}

ecosystem release v1.0.0 More info.png

Revisions that are lower than or equal to a revision
{{EcosystemRelease | revision=1.1.0 | range=and before}}

ecosystem release ≤ v1.1.0 More info.png

Revisions that are greater than or equal to a revision
{{EcosystemRelease | revision=1.1.0 | range=and after}}

ecosystem release ≥ v1.1.0 More info.png

Range of revisions
{{EcosystemRelease | revision=1.0.0 | range=to | revision2=1.1.0}}

ecosystem release v1.0.0 More info.png to 1.1.0 More info.png

3. More examples[edit source]

You type You get
Another specific revision
{{EcosystemRelease | revision=1.1.0}}

ecosystem release v1.1.0 More info.png

Unspecified revision

ecosystem release unknown revision

Unknown revision
{{EcosystemRelease | revision=0.0.1}}

ecosystem release unknown revision

Unspecified revision2
{{EcosystemRelease | revision=1.1.0 | range=to}}

ecosystem release v1.1.0 More info.png to unknown revision

Unknown revision2
{{EcosystemRelease | revision=1.1.0 | range=to | revision2=10.20.30}}

ecosystem release v1.1.0 More info.png to unknown revision

Ignored revision2
{{EcosystemRelease | revision=1.0.0 | range=and after  | revision2=1.1.0}}

ecosystem release ≥ v1.0.0 More info.png

Unknown range
{{EcosystemRelease | revision=1.1.0 | range=error}}

ecosystem release v1.1.0 More info.png unknown range

4. Code[edit source]

ecosystem release unknown revision

No categories assignedEdit