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Semantic MediaWiki
There are 1 incomplete or pending task to finish installation of Semantic MediaWiki. An administrator or user with sufficient rights can complete it. This should be done before adding new data to avoid inconsistencies.- Category:ALSA
- Category:Administering the user guide
- Category:Analog
- Category:Analog peripherals
- Category:Android
- Category:Android debugging tools
- Category:Android distribution
- Category:Android tracing tools
- Category:Applications and UI frameworks
- Category:Architecture overview
- Category:Arm architecture
- Category:Arm processors
- Category:Article under construction
- Category:Artificial intelligence expansion packages
- Category:Audio
- Category:Audio hardware components
- Category:Audio peripherals
- Category:BPMN Task
- Category:Bluetooth
- Category:CAN
- Category:CEC
- Category:Camera hardware components
- Category:Candidates for deletion
- Category:Candidates for renaming
- Category:Clock
- Category:Contributing to this user guide
- Category:Coprocessor management Linux
- Category:Coprocessor management STM32Cube
- Category:Coprocessor management peripherals
- Category:Core
- Category:Core peripherals
- Category:Crypto
- Category:DMA
- Category:DMA peripherals
- Category:DRM KMS
- Category:Debugging tools
- Category:Developer Package
- Category:Development tools
- Category:Device tree configuration
- Category:Display hardware components
- Category:Distribution Package
- Category:Distributions
- Category:Embedded software
- Category:Embedded software components
- Category:Embedded trace and debug
- Category:Ethernet
- Category:Expansion boards
- Category:File source
- Category:Flash mapping for Android
- Category:GPU
- Category:GStreamer
- Category:Getting started
- Category:Getting started with STM32MP1 boards
- Category:Getting started with ST boards
- Category:HW probes
- Category:Hardware
- Category:Hardware components
- Category:Hardware configuration
- Category:Hardware spinlock
- Category:High speed interface
- Category:High speed interface peripherals
- Category:How to
- Category:How to Android
- Category:How to build software
- Category:How to customize software
- Category:How to design products with STM32 MPU
- Category:How to populate boards
- Category:How to run use cases
- Category:How to run use cases with expansions
- Category:How to trace and debug
- Category:I2C
- Category:IIO
- Category:IOs pin management
- Category:IOs pins peripherals
- Category:Interrupts
- Category:Interrupts peripherals
- Category:KeyGen tool
- Category:Legals articles
- Category:Legals articles archives
- Category:Linux Operating System
- Category:Linux debugging tools
- Category:Linux monitoring tools
- Category:Linux tracing tools
- Category:Low speed interface
- Category:Low speed interface peripherals
- Category:MainMenu
- Category:MainMenuTab1
- Category:MainMenuTab2
- Category:MainMenuTab5
- Category:Mass storage
- Category:Mass storage peripherals
- Category:Monitoring tools
- Category:Netdev
- Category:Networking
- Category:Networking hardware components
- Category:Networking peripherals
- Category:OP-TEE secure OS
- Category:OpenSTLinux distribution
- Category:OpenSTLinux filesystem
- Category:Other resources
- Category:Partner program
- Category:Peripherals - Hardware blocks
- Category:Peripherals overview
- Category:Persistent storage
- Category:Persistent storage peripherals
- Category:Platform boot
- Category:Platform configuration
- Category:Power and Thermal
- Category:Power and Thermal hardware components
- Category:Power and Thermal peripherals
- Category:Prerequisites
- Category:QT framework
- Category:RAM
- Category:RAM interfaces
- Category:ROM code
- Category:RTC
- Category:Release notes
- Category:Release notes archives
- Category:Reset
- Category:SDK
- Category:SPI
- Category:STM32CubeIDE
- Category:STM32CubeMP1
- Category:STM32CubeMX
- Category:STM32CubeProgrammer
- Category:STM32Cube MPU
- Category:STM32Cube MPU Package
- Category:STM32MP15
- Category:STM32MP157C-DK2
- Category:STM32MP157C-DK2 - develop on A7
- Category:STM32MP157C-DK2 - develop on M4
- Category:STM32MP157C-DK2 - let's start
- Category:STM32MP157C-DK2 - what's next
- Category:STM32MP157x-EV1
- Category:STM32MP157x-EV1 - Let's start
- Category:STM32MP157x-EV1 - What's next
- Category:STM32MP157x-EV1 - develop on A7
- Category:STM32MP157x-EV1 - develop on M4
- Category:STM32MP15 Discovery kits
- Category:STM32MP15 Evaluation boards
- Category:STM32MP15 platform configuration
- Category:STM32MP1 boards
- Category:STM32MPU Embedded Software distribution
- Category:STM32MPU Embedded Software distribution for Android
- Category:STM32 MPU boards
- Category:STM32 MPU microprocessor devices
- Category:STM32 MPU technical literature
- Category:STM32 MPU technical literature archives
- Category:ST boards
- Category:ST internal
- Category:SW4STM32 IDE
- Category:Security
- Category:Security peripherals
- Category:Serial TTY
- Category:Services
- Category:Signing tool
- Category:Software configuration management
- Category:Software expansion packages
- Category:Starter Package
- Category:Sub-articles
- Category:System build
- Category:Testing wiki features
- Category:Timers
- Category:Timers peripherals
- Category:Tools
- Category:Trace and debug peripherals
- Category:Trace and debug tools
- Category:Tracing tools
- Category:Training zone
- Category:Transversal categories
- Category:Troubleshooting grids
- Category:Trusted Firmware-A (TF-A)
- Category:U-Boot
- Category:USB
- Category:UpdateNeededForNewRelease
- Category:Using models
- Category:V4L2
- Category:Visual
- Category:Visual peripherals
- Category:WLAN
- Category:Watchdog
- Category:Watchdog peripherals
- Category:Wayland Weston
- Category:Writing articles