This article describes how to measure the performance of a neural network model compiled for Coral Edge TPU on STM32MPUs platforms.
1. Installation[edit source]
1.1. Installing from the OpenSTLinux AI package repository[edit source]
After having configured the AI OpenSTLinux package you can install X-LINUX-AI components for this application. The minimum package required is the coral-edgetpu-benchmark, it could be installed directly on your board using the following command:
x-linux-ai -i coral-edgetpu-benchmark
The model used in this example can be installed from the following package:
x-linux-ai -i img-models-mobilenetv2-10-224
2. How to use the Benchmark application[edit source]
2.1. Executing with the command line[edit source]
The coral_edgetpu_benchmark application is located in the userfs partition:
It accepts the following input parameters:
Usage: ./coral-edgetpu-benchmark -m --model_file <.tflite file path>: .tflite model to be executed -l --loops <int>: provide the number of time the inference will be executed (by default nb_loops=1) --help: show this help
2.2. Testing with MobileNet[edit source]
The model used for testing is the mobilenet_v2_1.0_224_int8_per_tensor_edgetpu.tflite which is a MobilenetV2 FPNLite. It is a model used for image classification.
On the target, the model is located here:
To launch the application, use the following command:
/usr/local/bin/coral-edgetpu-*/tools/coral_edgetpu_benchmark -m /usr/local/x-linux-ai/image-classification/models/mobilenet/mobilenet_v2_1.0_224_int8_per_tensor_edgetpu.tflite -l 5
Console output:
model file set to: /usr/local/x-linux-ai/image-classification/models/mobilenet/mobilenet_v2_1.0_224_int8_per_tensor_edgetpu.tflite
This benchmark will execute 5 inference(s)
Bus 001 Device 006: ID 18d1:9302 Google Inc.
Loaded model /usr/local/x-linux-ai/image-classification/models/mobilenet/mobilenet_v2_1.0_224_int8_per_tensor_edgetpu.tflite
resolved reporter
inferences are running: INFO: Created TensorFlow Lite XNNPACK delegate for CPU.
# # # # # #
inference time: min=16346us max=16476us avg=16410.2us