Populate the target and boot the image

Applicable for STM32MP15x lines

Let's start Develop on Arm® Cortex®-A7
Step category in.png Unpack the board Step.png Populate the target and boot the image Step.png Execute basic commands Step.png Use the demo launcher Step category out.png

1. Overview[edit source]

This step explains how to get the Starter Package, then install and boot the STM32MP15 Evaluation boards with the Starter Package.

2. Open a terminal[edit source]

Open a terminal on the host computer.

Ubuntu terminal

All the commands preceded by have to be executed from the host computer terminal.

  • Create your STM32MPU workspace directory on the host computer:
 mkdir $HOME/STM32MPU_workspace
 cd $HOME/STM32MPU_workspace

3. Check the host computer Internet access[edit source]

  • An Internet access through http and https protocols must be provided.

The command below enables checking for Internet access through http/https protocols:

 wget -q www.google.com && echo "Internet access over HTTP/HTTPS is OK !" || echo "No internet access over HTTP/HTTPS ! You may need to set up a proxy."

If an 'OK' message is returned, the network is correctly configured.
In this case, skip the rest of this section.

Otherwise, a proxy for http/https protocols is required.
The best solution is to set this proxy through the shell variables http_proxy and https_proxy:

 export http_proxy=http://<MyProxyLogin>:<MyProxyPassword>@<MyProxyServerUrl>:<MyProxyPort>
 export https_proxy=http://<MyProxyLogin>:<MyProxyPassword>@<MyProxyServerUrl>:<MyProxyPort>

Check again the Internet access using the command:

 wget -q www.google.com && echo "Internet access over HTTP/HTTPS is OK !" || echo "No internet access over HTTP/HTTPS ! You may need to set up a proxy."

4. Install the tools[edit source]

4.1. STM32CubeProgrammer[edit source]

  • Create your STM32MPU tools directory on the host computer:
 mkdir $HOME/STM32MPU_workspace/STM32MPU-Tools
 mkdir $HOME/STM32MPU_workspace/STM32MPU-Tools/STM32CubeProgrammer-x.y.z
  • Create a temporary directory in your STM32MPU workspace:
 mkdir $HOME/STM32MPU_workspace/tmp

STM32CubeProgrammer V2.11 is recommended for ecosystem release v4.0.0 More info.png

  • Uncompress the archive file to get the STM32CubeProgrammer installers:
 cd $HOME/STM32MPU_workspace/tmp
 unzip SetupSTM32CubeProgrammer.zip
  • Execute the Linux® installer, which guides you through the installation process. Select "$HOME/STM32MPU-Tools/STM32CubeProgrammer-x.y.z" as installation directory when it is requested by the installer.

The screenshots below have been obtained with old STM32CubeProgrammer V2.7.0. They are provided as examples still valid for higher version :

Splash screen
  • Add the STM32CubeProgrammer binary path to your PATH environment variable:
export PATH=$HOME/STM32MPU_workspace/STM32MPU-Tools/STM32CubeProgrammer-x.y.z/bin:$PATH
  • Go inside the binary folder:
 cd $HOME/STM32MPU_workspace/STM32MPU-Tools/STM32CubeProgrammer-x.y.z/bin/

  • Check that the STM32CubeProgrammer tool is properly installed and accessible:
 STM32_Programmer_CLI --h
                       STM32CubeProgrammer vx.y.z                  

4.2. USB serial link[edit source]

  • Install the libusb on your host computer:
 sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0
  • To allow STM32CubeProgrammer to access the USB port through low-level commands, proceed as follows:
 cd $HOME/STM32MPU_workspace/STM32MPU-Tools/STM32CubeProgrammer-x.y.z/Drivers/rules
 sudo cp *.* /etc/udev/rules.d/

5. Download the image[edit source]

  • Create your STM32MP1 Starter Package directory on the host computer:
 mkdir $HOME/STM32MPU_workspace/STM32MP1-Ecosystem-v4.0.0
 mkdir $HOME/STM32MPU_workspace/STM32MP1-Ecosystem-v4.0.0/Starter-Package
 cd $HOME/STM32MPU_workspace/STM32MP1-Ecosystem-v4.0.0/Starter-Package
  • Download the [unknown revision/unknown revision STM32MP1-Ecosystem-v4.0.0 Starter Package] to the following directory:
  • Uncompress the tarball file to get the binaries for the different partitions of the image, and the Flash layout files
 tar xvf unknown revision

6. Populate the SDCard[edit source]

  • Set the boot switches (located on the MB1263) to the OFF position:
boot switches position to flash the board
  • Connect the PC to CN16/USB_OTG port of the STM32MP157x-EV1 mother board through the USB Type A to Type C cable.
  • Power up the board.
  • Press the reset button to reset the board.
  • Launch STM32CubeProgrammer to get the GUI :
STM32CubeProgrammer GUI

  • On the right of the window, select USB (instead of STLINK, set by default) from the connection picklist, and click the "Refresh" button. The serial number is displayed if the USB has been detected.
Select USB for connection with board
  • Click "Connect"
  • Select the "Open File" tab and choose the "FlashLayout_sdcard_stm32mp157x-ev1-optee.tsv" in the Starter Package installation folder ("$HOME/STM32MPU_workspace/STM32MP1-Ecosystem-v4.0.0/Starter-Package/stm32mp1-openstlinux-5.10-dunfell-mp1-21-11-17/images/stm32mp1/flashlayout_st-image-weston/optee")
  • Fill the "Binaries Path" by browsing to the $[Starter_Pack_Path]/images/stm32mp1 folder.
open .tsv optee and fill Binaries Path for EV1
  • Click "Download" to launch the flashing process.
  • A progress bar indicates the process progress until a completion pop-up message is displayed.

7. Boot the board[edit source]

  • Set the boot switches (located on the MB1263) to the ON position.
boot switches position to boot the board
  • Power on the board.
  • Press the "Reset" button to reset the board.
  • After few seconds, the board starts and automatically goes through the following screens:
Warning white.png Warning
The very first boot after flashing takes about 2 minutes so be patient. It takes less than 20 seconds afterwards.
UBoot splash screen
Linux splash screen
Weston desktop
GTK demo launcher

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