Last edited 3 years ago


1. Usage

The UserDashboard template allows any logged-in user who has writing permissions, to build customized dashboards to follow up the state of the pages on which this user has a role (e.g. main writer, expert...) to play.

A dashboard is obtained thanks to a Semantic MediaWiki query[ud 1], and is displayed as a searchable and exportable table thanks to the table format and the datatable class[ud 2]. The features of this class are:

  • nice visual appearance
  • search input box for searching within the table
  • easy export of the table's content into CSV, JSON, RSS and RDF
Usage: {{UserDashboard | user=<username> | role=<role> | filter=<filter>}}


  • <username> is the optional username of the logged-in user who has writing permissions for whom the customized dashboard is built (if any doubt, cross-check, in your preferences, your wiki username). Per default (if <username> is not set), the user who is currently logged-in, is considered.
  • <role> is the optional role (e.g. main writer, expert...) for which the customized dashboard is built. The default value is MW. The possible values for <role> are:
    • MW: main writer
    • EX: expert
    • TW: technical writer
    • MT: maintainer
  • <filter> is the optional filter to reduce the number of listed pages. The default value is assignment. The possible value for <filter> is:
    • assignment: the dashboard lists all the pages that match with the user and role criteria
    • action: the dashboard lists only the pages that match with the user and role criteria, and for which an action from this user is required (e.g. follow-up, review...)


<role> <filter> The dashboard lists the pages
not set whatever the filter An error is displayed
(or not set)
(or not set)
to which the user is assigned as main writer
action to which the user is assigned as main writer, and that are not approved: therefore, a follow-up from the user is required (e.g. updating, starting a review...)
EX assignment
(or not set)
to which the user is assigned as expert
action to which the user is set as reviewer, and that are "under review by experts": therefore, a review from the user is required
TW assignment
(or not set)
to which the user is assigned as technical writer
action to which the user is set as reviewer, and that are "under review by technical writers": therefore, a review from the user is required
MT assignment
(or not set)
to which the user is assigned as maintainer
action to which the user is set as reviewer, and that are "under maintainer approval for publication": therefore, a review from the user is required


2. Basic examples

You type All pages to which the "currently logged-in user" is assigned as main writer

{{UserDashboard | role=MW | filter=assignment}}

You get The pages to which you are assigned as main writer
You type All pages to which "Arnaud Pouliquen" is assigned as main writer

{{UserDashboard | user=Arnaud Pouliquen | role=MW | filter=assignment}}

You get Arnaud Pouliquen is not assigned as MW
You type All "not approved" pages to which the "currently logged-in user" is assigned as main writer

{{UserDashboard | role=MW | filter=action}}

You get All "not approved" pages to which you are assigned as main writer
You type All "not approved" pages to which "Arnaud Pouliquen" is assigned as main writer

{{UserDashboard | user=Arnaud Pouliquen | role=MW | filter=action}}

You get As MW, Arnaud Pouliquen has no specific action presently.
You type All pages to which the "currently logged-in user" is assigned as expert

{{UserDashboard | role=EX | filter=assignment}}

You get The pages to which you are assigned as expert
You type All pages to which "Arnaud Pouliquen" is assigned as expert

{{UserDashboard | user=Arnaud Pouliquen | role=EX | filter=assignment}}

You get Arnaud Pouliquen is not assigned as EX
You type All "under review by experts" pages to which the "currently logged-in user" is set as reviewer

{{UserDashboard | role=EX | filter=action}}

You get All "under review by experts" pages to which you are set as reviewer
You type All "under review by experts" pages to which "Arnaud Pouliquen" is set as reviewer

{{UserDashboard | user=Arnaud Pouliquen | role=EX | filter=action}}

You get As EX, Arnaud Pouliquen has no page to review presently.
You type All pages to which the "currently logged-in user" is assigned as technical writer

{{UserDashboard | role=TW | filter=assignment}}

You get The pages to which you are assigned as technical writer
You type All pages to which "Arnaud Pouliquen" is assigned as technical writer

{{UserDashboard | user=Arnaud Pouliquen | role=TW | filter=assignment}}

You get Arnaud Pouliquen is not assigned as TW
You type All "under review by technical writers" pages to which the "currently logged-in user" is set as reviewer

{{UserDashboard | role=TW | filter=action}}

You get All "under review by technical writers" pages to which you are set as reviewer
You type All "under review by technical writers" pages to which "Arnaud Pouliquen" is set as reviewer

{{UserDashboard | user=Arnaud Pouliquen | role=TW | filter=action}}

You get As TW, Arnaud Pouliquen has no page to review presently.
You type All pages to which the "currently logged-in user" is assigned as maintainer

{{UserDashboard | role=MT | filter=assignment}}

You get The pages to which you are assigned as maintainer
You type All pages to which "Arnaud Pouliquen" is assigned as maintainer

{{UserDashboard | user=Arnaud Pouliquen | role=MT | filter=assignment}}

You get Arnaud Pouliquen is not assigned as MT
You type All "under maintainer approval for publication" pages to which the "currently logged-in user" is set as reviewer

{{UserDashboard | role=MT | filter=action}}

You get All "under maintainer approval for publication" pages to which you are set as reviewer
You type All "under maintainer approval for publication" pages to which "Arnaud Pouliquen" is set as reviewer

{{UserDashboard | user=Arnaud Pouliquen | role=MT | filter=action}}

You get As MT, Arnaud Pouliquen has no page to approve presently.

3. More examples

You type No role and no filter specified: same as if "MW" and "assignment were specified

{{UserDashboard | user=Arnaud Pouliquen}}

You get Arnaud Pouliquen is not assigned as MW
You type No role specified: same as if "MW" was specified

{{UserDashboard | user=Arnaud Pouliquen | filter=action}}

You get As MW, Arnaud Pouliquen has no specific action presently.
You type Unknown user
{{UserDashboard | user=Unknown user}}<br>
{{UserDashboard | user=Unknown user | role=MW}}<br>
{{UserDashboard | user=Unknown user | role=EX}}<br>
{{UserDashboard | user=Unknown user | role=TW}}<br>
{{UserDashboard | user=Unknown user | role=MT}}<br>
{{UserDashboard | user=Unknown user | role=MW | filter=action}}<br>
{{UserDashboard | user=Unknown user | role=EX | filter=action}}<br>
{{UserDashboard | user=Unknown user | role=TW | filter=action}}<br>
{{UserDashboard | user=Unknown user | role=MT | filter=action}}
You get Unknown user is not assigned as MW

Unknown user is not assigned as MW
Unknown user is not assigned as EX
Unknown user is not assigned as TW
Unknown user is not assigned as MT
As MW, Unknown user has no specific action presently.
As EX, Unknown user has no page to review presently.
As TW, Unknown user has no page to review presently.
As MT, Unknown user has no page to approve presently.

You type Unknown role

{{UserDashboard | user=Arnaud Pouliquen | role=AA}}
{{UserDashboard | user=Arnaud Pouliquen | role=AA | filter=action}}

You get Unknown role

Unknown role

You type Unknown filter: same as if "assignment" was specified

{{UserDashboard | user=Arnaud Pouliquen | role=MW | filter=unknown}}

You get Unknown filter ("assignment" is considered). Arnaud Pouliquen is not assigned as MW
You type Check that there's no space before and after the text

BEFORE{{UserDashboard | user=Arnaud Pouliquen | role=MW}}AFTER
BEFORE{{UserDashboard | user=Arnaud Pouliquen | role=BB}}AFTER

You get BEFOREArnaud Pouliquen is not assigned as MWAFTER


4. Maintenance

This template is a template common to all ST wikis.
Modifications must be done into the WikiModel. They must be reviewed by all ST wikis maintainers.
When approved, the template can be pushed/merged towards all ST wikis.

5. Code is not assigned as MW

No categories assignedEdit