Training zone

This section introduces many MOOCs, OLTs and useful links for STM32 software development

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STM32 Education

Bring your STM32 project to life with the free educational resources created by our engineers.
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ST Community

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1. STM32 step by step

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STM32 microcontrollers basic

Find the academic and basic knowledge for microcontrollers.

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STM32 step by step

Start now and quickly become a professional STM32 developer in 5 steps.

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STM32 Advanced

Go further with advanced tutorials on motor control or analog.

2. OLT (Online Training)

ST offers a full range of free online training courses for our Arm® Cortex®-M –based STM32 microcontrollers and microprocessors.

These courses provide helpful and detailed technical information on the features and benefits of our STM32 microcontrollers and microprocessors as well as their open development ecosystem to easily start your applications and take advantage of the STM32 performance to get your solutions to market as quickly and inexpensively as possible.

Education dark blue.png OLT STM32WB

Education dark blue.png OLT STM32H7

Education dark blue.png OLT STM32F7

Education dark blue.png OLT STM32L4+

Education dark blue.png OLT STM32L4

Education dark blue.png OLT STM32L5

Education dark blue.png OLT STM32G0

Education dark blue.png OLT STM32G4

Education dark blue.png OLT STM32MP1

3. MOOC (Massive Online Courses)

MOOC helvetica dark blue.png Introduction to STM32Cube.AI

MOOC helvetica dark blue.png STM32WB workshop

MOOC helvetica dark blue.png STM32WB Firmware Update Over the Air (FUOTA)

MOOC helvetica dark blue.png STM32 BLE MESH Introduction

MOOC helvetica dark blue.png STM32L4 hands-on training

MOOC helvetica dark blue.png Basics of cryptography

MOOC helvetica dark blue.png STM32G0 Workshop

MOOC helvetica dark blue.png Introduction to STM32L0

MOOC helvetica dark blue.png Graphics with STM32

MOOC helvetica dark blue.png LPWAN workshop - connect your long-range network to the cloud

MOOC helvetica dark blue.png Moving from 8 to 32bit workshop - first steps

MOOC helvetica dark blue.png FreeRTOS on STM32

MOOC helvetica dark blue.png Graphics with STM32

MOOC helvetica dark blue.png STM32F7 hands-on workshop