Wifi WFA Certification description

Revision as of 18:58, 8 April 2024 by Registered User

1. Wi-Fi Alliance

1.1. Presentation

The Wi-Fi Alliance is a global non-profit organization that promotes and certifies wireless networking technologies based on the IEEE 802.11 standards. Its mission is to enhance and promote the interoperability, security, and reliability of Wi-Fi products and services. T

Wi-Fi Alliance is responsible for developing and maintaining Wi-Fi standards, conducting certification programs, and promoting the adoption of Wi-Fi technology worldwide.

1.2. Eligibility to Certification

Only Wi-Fi Alliance Members can certify their products. There are multiple Level of membership.

Source: https://www.wi-fi.org/membership How to apply : https://www.wi-fi.org/membership-application Please not that It is not mandatory to certify your product.

=== Why certify my product?


Wi-Fi certification ensures that your product meets industry standards for performance, security and reliability, which means that it will provide a consistent and stable wireless connection.

=== Wi-Fi Certification Programs


The Wi-Fi Alliance offers several certification programs to ensure that Wi-Fi products meet industry standards for performance, reliability, and security. Here are some of the most common certification programs:

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED 4,5,6: This certification programs ensure that Wi-Fi products meet the Wi-Fi4 standards for high-speed, low-latency wireless connectivity.

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED WPA2, WPA3,PMF: This certification programs ensure that Wi-Fi products meet industry standards for improved security and privacy.

To have a complete view of all Certification programs , please refer to WFA Certification Programs

Certification Paths Wi-Fi Alliance has developed 3 differnet paths to certify a product. It depends on the maturity of the device.

Flex Tack: FlexTrack is designed for New product built-in from the ground-up. It allows more flexibility in WI-Fi customization. Flex Track complete full certification program with full test environment. Test will be completed at an Authorized Test Laboratory (ATL). Flex Track Cost, per product $5,000 license fee + ATL testing fees

To start Certification process: https://www.cert.wi-fi.org/#/application

Certify a new product using the QuickTrack certification pathOne-time, per product $7,500 program license fee + ATL testing fees, if applicable Certify a derivative product (based on your own company's Wi-Fi CERTIFIED product)$600 certification fee per derivative product; after 16 certified products from the same source, $100 per product Certify a derivative product by integrating an unmodified, certified Wi-Fi module or system into your product$600 certification fee per derivative product; after 16 certified products from the same source, $100 per product$4,000 certification fee per derivative productCertify a floorplan for Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Home Design™$600 per unit; after 75 in calendar year, $100 per unit

The Wi-Fi Alliance is a global non-profit organization that promotes and certifies wireless networking technologies based on the IEEE 802.11 standards. Its mission is to enhance and promote the interoperability, security, and reliability of Wi-Fi products and services. The Wi-Fi Alliance is responsible for developing and maintaining Wi-Fi standards, conducting certification programs, and promoting the adoption of Wi-Fi technology worldwide.

Who can Certify a product Only Wi-Fi Alliance Members can certify their products.

Different Membership levels exist: https://www.wi-fi.org/membership

To be able to certify a product, a company must be at least "participant level" member. To use QuickTrack path, implementer membership is needed.

WFA Certification Programs

WFA has developped multiple certifiction programs.

WFA Certification Paths