Wifi WFA Certification description

Revision as of 19:01, 8 April 2024 by Registered User

1. Wi-Fi Alliance

1.1. Presentation

The Wi-Fi Alliance is a global non-profit organization that promotes and certifies wireless networking technologies based on the IEEE 802.11 standards. Its mission is to enhance and promote the interoperability, security, and reliability of Wi-Fi products and services. T

Wi-Fi Alliance is responsible for developing and maintaining Wi-Fi standards, conducting certification programs, and promoting the adoption of Wi-Fi technology worldwide.

1.2. Eligibility to Certification

Only Wi-Fi Alliance Members can certify their products. There are multiple Level of membership.

Source: https://www.wi-fi.org/membership How to apply : https://www.wi-fi.org/membership-application

1.3. Why certify my product?

It is not mandatory to certify your product but WFA certification ensures that your product meets industry standards for performance, security and reliability, which means that it will provide a consistent and stable wireless connection.

1.4. Wi-Fi Certification Programs

The Wi-Fi Alliance offers several certification programs to ensure that Wi-Fi products meet industry standards for performance, reliability, and security. Here are some of the most common certification programs:

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED 4,5,6: This certification programs ensure that Wi-Fi products meet the Wi-Fi4 standards for high-speed, low-latency wireless connectivity.

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED WPA2, WPA3,PMF: This certification programs ensure that Wi-Fi products meet industry standards for improved security and privacy.

To have a complete view of all Certification programs , please refer to WFA Certification Programs

Certification Paths Wi-Fi Alliance has developed 3 differnet paths to certify a product. It depends on the maturity of the device.

Flex Tack: FlexTrack is designed for New product built-in from the ground-up. It allows more flexibility in WI-Fi customization. Flex Track complete full certification program with full test environment. Test will be completed at an Authorized Test Laboratory (ATL). Flex Track Cost, per product $5,000 license fee + ATL testing fees

To start Certification process: https://www.cert.wi-fi.org/#/application

Certify a new product using the QuickTrack certification pathOne-time, per product $7,500 program license fee + ATL testing fees, if applicable Certify a derivative product (based on your own company's Wi-Fi CERTIFIED product)$600 certification fee per derivative product; after 16 certified products from the same source, $100 per product Certify a derivative product by integrating an unmodified, certified Wi-Fi module or system into your product$600 certification fee per derivative product; after 16 certified products from the same source, $100 per product$4,000 certification fee per derivative productCertify a floorplan for Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Home Design™$600 per unit; after 75 in calendar year, $100 per unit

The Wi-Fi Alliance is a global non-profit organization that promotes and certifies wireless networking technologies based on the IEEE 802.11 standards. Its mission is to enhance and promote the interoperability, security, and reliability of Wi-Fi products and services. The Wi-Fi Alliance is responsible for developing and maintaining Wi-Fi standards, conducting certification programs, and promoting the adoption of Wi-Fi technology worldwide.

Who can Certify a product Only Wi-Fi Alliance Members can certify their products.

Different Membership levels exist: https://www.wi-fi.org/membership

To be able to certify a product, a company must be at least "participant level" member. To use QuickTrack path, implementer membership is needed.

WFA Certification Programs

WFA has developped multiple certifiction programs.

WFA Certification Paths