STM32WW Wi-Fi® – SafeLink module

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1. SafeLink Module Presentation

The Safe link module allows for the secure communication between a Host and the STM32WW4, at the level of the SDIO interface. In particular, the Safe link module allows the Host to ensure it is communicating with a real STM32WW4 provisioned by ST, to compute a common session key between the two devices and to perform encryption, decryption and authentication of the data exchanged on the SDIO interface. Finally, the Safe link offers a mechanism that update the session key periodically.

To ensure the security of the communication channel between a Host and the STM32WW4, the following conditions must be respected:

  • The SDIO/SPI link must allow authentication and confidentiality of messages
  • Prevention against passive eavesdropping and/or active tampering (injection of fault) on the link
  • Forward secrecy
  • The Host must be connected to authentic Typhon from ST
  • Secure storage of key agreement private key
  • SCA and fault protection of key agreement private key
  • Safe link Security strength up to 192-bit for WPA3-Enterprise-192

Following methods have been retained to meet these requirements:

  • Asymmetric Key agreement based on ECDH-key agreement P-384 ECC or P-256 ECC.
  • Symmetric Key agreement base on challenge method and CMAC key agreement AES-256.
  • AES-GCM packet encryption.
  • Support of ephemeral keys pair, on STM32WW4 and on Host.
  • The Host checks Typhon Certificate signature built by ST authority, based on ECDSA.
  • The STM32WW4 private key is stored in its OTP Upper storage, tamper protected and decrypted by a ROM secret at EWS provisioning.
  • The STM32WW4 Safe link code is protected against side channel attacks.